Some Links From July

August 3, 2010 at 4:03 am
filed under Biotechnology, Computing, Singularity
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Here are some interesting articles from July.

 NASA and Microsoft Provide Mars 3-D Close Encounter

 Fly’s Brain — A High-Speed Computer: Neurobiologists Use State-of-the-Art Methods to Decode the Basics of Motion Detection
Both fascinating and very important – if we can see how a fly’s brain works how long until we can also see how more complicated brains work, such as those of mammals and eventually humans.

 How Microbes Defend and Define Us
An utterly fascinating article about the symbiosis between humans and our internal microbes.  The implications of this may be enormous.

A Scientist Takes On Gravity
What if gravity is an illusion? 

 New Ultrabright Source of Entangled Photon Pairs
Another step toward quantum computing.

 Computing Power Cracks Egg Shell Problem
Yet another application of computation to the life sciences.

 These are just a few articles from July that caught my attention.  Since July was a busy month for me I guarantee you that there were a large number of events of interest that I completely missed.  This is my first post like this but it will not be my last.  I plan to make this a frequent addition to the blog.  An enormous amount of exciting stuff is going on all around us and I hope be able to point out some of it.

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